Zeynep Oymak, religion, boyfriend sevgilisi, biography

Turkish star Zeynep Oymak we have collected for you in this comprehensive report complete information about her and her personal and artistic life. What is her date of birth, current age, place of birth, nationality, religion, astrological sign, educational qualification, height, weight, eye and hair color and who he is Her husband, the famous Turkish star, and when did the Turkish actress Zeynep Oymak start her artistic career with acting, and what are her most important artworks that she has participated in so far, including series, films and other details about her with a set of new photos of the artist Zeynep Oymak.

Birthdate: August 28, 1991
Age 2022: 31 years
Birthplace: Virginia – USA
Nationality: Turkish
Religion: Muslim
Astrological sign: Virgo
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Eye color: dark brown
Hair color: brown
Qualification: Marangoni Paris Fashion
Profession: Turkish actress
The beginning of her artistic career: 2016 – until now
Favorite Hobbies: Reading

Who is the Turkish actress Zeynep Oymak?

Zeynep Oymak is a well-known Turkish actress. She was born in 1991 in Virginia, USA to Turkish parents. Her father is Osman Oymak and her mother is Yesim Gürer Oymak. She has two brothers and a sister named Mita. Actress Zeynep Oymak obtained her education from Istanbul in Turkey when she returned with her family to her country of origin. Turkey .

At the undergraduate level, Zeynep Oymak joined a number of acting workshops to receive lessons and training in acting from institutions and individuals such as Susan Bateson Workshop, Deniz Erdem Workshop, Week Long Jamboree Eric & Susana Morris, Atelier Juliette Moltes Stewen Ditmeyer Workshop, Şahika Tekand Studio Cast , Istituto. Marangoni Paris Fashion .

Turkish star Zeynep Oymak first appeared on the Turkish screen in 2016 through the series Kiralik Ask, and the series achieved great success when it was shown in Turkey and in the Arab world when it was dubbed into Arabic.

In 2019, Zeynep Oymak participated in the word “Word” 4 and also presented in the same year a Turkish movie called “Dirlik Regulark”, and Zeynep Oymak appeared for the first time in films during the year 2017 N1K. The minds of the audience and viewers when they share the artworks in which they participated.


actress Zeynep Oymak

Actress Zeynep Oymak


2016 Kiralik Ask . series
2019 Söz
In 2021 the series Sherif Bay – and the series Menajerimi Ara
2022 Sevmek Zamani

the movies

2017 4N1K Sinema
2019 movie Dirlik Düzenlik

Who is the boyfriend of actress Zeynep Oymak

Turkish actress Zeynep Oymak lives a strong love story with the famous Turkish star Kan Organcioglu, and the love story between them began years ago when they participated together in the Kiralik Ask series, and in 2016 the artist Kan Organcioglu announced his marriage to actress Zeynep Oymak.

Zeynep Oymak and Sevmek Zamani

Turkish star Zeynep Oymak participated in the Sevmek Zamani starring, which started in June 2022, and a group of artists participated in the series, including Elhan Sen – Serenay Aktas – Toprak Can Adıgüzel Toprak Kan – Piran Soysal – Mutalib Muğdiçi – Şagdash Onur Ozturk – Nemet. Egon – Onur Guzten – Derya Pinar Ak – Ozan Yegit – Zeynep Omak, Sevmek Zamani Produced by ATV Film, directed by Hulya Belban and written by Nalan Merter Savas.

And the story of Sevmek Zamani revolves around a young man named Khalil who works as a painter on an island with a woman in one of the photo galleries. A beautiful woman and Khalil greatly admires the picture. With his repeated visits to the house and watching the picture, he becomes attached to her and occupies his thoughts. One day, the woman who is present in the picture appears in front of him, and with time, Fairuz admires him a lot and loves him, but Khalil does not exchange her the same interest or feeling. And be busy with his work only and trying to make him love her.

Zeynep Oymak sis

Zeynep Oymak and Menajerimi Ara

The series Menajerimi Ara was shown in Turkey in 2020, and it is taken from the French story “Call My Agent”. Customers, then the owner of this company dies, and conflicts begin between employees and competition, and each one of them tries to prove that he is better than the other so that he can obtain a higher position in the company. away from work.

Barış Valai, Gatan Ergodar, Fatih Artman, Ihsan Eroglu, Deniz Kan Aktas and others co-starred in the series Menajerimi Ara.
The series is directed by Deniz Çelebi and written by Yesim Citak, Yelda Eroglu, Emine Yildirim and Ekin Atalar.

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